Thursday, September 08, 2005


I just had to say that in case I tried to tell myself otherwise...
Another friend has left singledom...I'm happy yet sad


Nin said...

Singleness is a gift from God, and only a few find the treaure God intended in it. I believe you have, and you will use it for the good and growth of others. The grass is not greener on the other side, it's blessings just come in different forms. So many people waste all their time thirsting for the other grass that they miss out completely on the grass right in front of them! When I see you eat and savor your grass, it blesses me so much, as I know that is the heart God intended for singlehood. Silly analogy I know... God has blessed you with so much girl, mr. future will be blown away!

andrew + camille said...

yeah i agree.

it's funny how my cousin and I are so excited about getting pregnant and having babies in the distant future, and like she says, we are not enjoying the present, we are always restless for the next stage. It is soo true. Singleness truly is a gift from God, and so it being married and not having any kids around yet. But I don't treasure these moments as I should.

You're a great gal...and you have a beautiful smile that reveals a lot about your character. it's awesome.

Trail Rider said...


Go eat and savor your grass!

Nin said it perfect

Princess Warrior said...

You are awesome Chelsea and it is so fun watching you step out of your comfort zone, taking initiative and just being that bright laughing light that God made you.