Monday, August 22, 2005

Joyful Sorrow

My brother left on Thursday to move to Kelowna. He will be staying with my Mom's cousin and husband for a couple of months until he gets a job and finds a place. They said he could stay there for 2 months. He is planning on moving there permenantely if everything works out as planned. I think this is a good step for him but I know it will be hard for him, not to mention hard for us. He wants a clean, fresh start and a clean start God will give him.

I have never lived without him. When he was in Hawaii on his DTS I was at Bible School. It's just hard because it's not like I can see him every week. I can't even see him every month. I have no clue when I'll see him next and for me that's pretty hard to deal with. I hope to atleast see him by Christmas or at Christmas.
It's going to be hard on my dad and mom too. My dad and brother would talk quite a bit. If you didn't get to know him it really is your loss. He's the kindest most giving person you could meet. He made me laugh, enjoyed bugging me, he supported me on my trip, really he's the best brother I could ask for.

Jesus be with my brother, hear his hearts cry and come running. Father help him to settle in easily. Help me and my family adjust to this, it's going to be hard...harder than I ever thought. Keep him safe and bring him a second family over there.

my deleted post...but not really

This is part of the letter I sent as an update to all the people from my YWAM trip. I really feel like God deleted my last post on purpose and that He just wanted to keep it for me. I feel that no one would quite "get it" the way that God gave it to me, but this is just as important and some of my post falls into here, just more general.

My plan was to go to University in the fall to move towards getting my Bachelor of Education. I was very iffy as to whether this was where God was leading me. About 2 months ago I felt God tell me that I don't need an Education degree to work with children and that this was not where He was leading me. In a way this was a big relief because I really didn't want to be tied down for 4 years of University. I also felt that it conflicted with my other dreams. This was also kind of frustrating because I was at a point again where I didn't know what I was doing. This has been quite normal as of the last few years. I am learning that I don't need to know what I'm going to do. I just need to live the hear and now and know God is leading me right now where I am.
I can just be
This has been really important to me lately and something that I am continually learning. I can just be...I can just sit in my Daddy's presence and know that He is taking complete care of me and I do not need to worry.
I am considering and still praying about going on a missions trip. I have been thinking a lot about Brazil and also Africa. I believe that God is really speaking to me about Mozambique Africa. These are things I am praying about and I am trying to save money to go away as early as January. God will make His direction for my life clear, of that I am certain.
God is so good and so faithful, I am surrounded by people who constantly show me God's love and how much I am loved by them and God. I am learning and growing daily. Jesus really is my All in All.
An Abundance of God's blessings sent your way cuz He sure has blessed me!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Maintenance my ****

So, yesterday I got home and started to write a blog. I had actually started a paragraph the night before but that was all that I had time to do. I wrote my blog from 5pm until 7:45 with a break for supper. This wasn't just any blog either that I wrote my thoughts and that was it. This was more of an update and it was something that I was going to email to all my friends from my missions trip to let them know how I was doing. This was also a blog that was asking for you to pray with me for direction. It was a very exciting blog because God revealed something to me. So at 7:45 I finished my post and went to publish it. I thought about copying it, but decided I could just copy it once it was published to send in emails. I pressed Publish post and a screen came up saying "sorry down for scheduled maintenance."

(Just imagine that little girll from the carebears, I think her name is screech, Imagine that kind of screem real high pitched and a hissy fit type of scream.) Well, that was what was going through my head and still is. I am so not impressed. Here all these things were just flowing out of me and I spent so much time and poured my heart into that post and it just got deleted. I am so not impressed, and I am not at all looking forward to doing it again but I have to. You all need to hear the exciting news and I need to share it with the girls from my team. Until then I guess you're in suspense. Pray that God would bring it all back to me again.

So maybe this weekend I'll have time to do it again and I will be excited to do it. Until then I hear that scream going through my head. (Joe can you fix that on my computer??? Hehe)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Getting to know Me!!

I've been tagged by camilli vanilli

10 years ago today...
~~ I started to go to Hope?!?! (around that long ago)
~~ I didn't have friends but I'm ok with that now
~~ I still lived on our acerage and had lots of animals
~~ probably slept in until 1pm or something like that and then watched tv in an air conditioned house

1 year ago...
~~ I had a boyfriend.
~~ I probably went fishing or did something with Justin
~~ I was making big plans and doing much organizing to go to Hawaii

~~ I worked as usual. We had a slow day and I got off at 4
~~ I went to the gym.
~~ I ate supper and had another Laughing time from God during my supper (my brother didn't know what was wrong with me)
~~ I went shopping with my mom and bro for phones
~~ I got ready to go to the lake for a day at the beach

~~ Have devotions, go to church, help with Sunday School, go to Jonah's welcome home party, do laundry and clean my room, read a book and enjoy my day

5 snacks I enjoy...
fruit, crispy minis, popcorn, nutri-grain or fruit source bars, chocolate

Best impression...
myself. I don't do impressions (atleast I don't think I do)

5 things I would do with $100 000 000
give all or some to charity organizations. Give to Hope Fellowship. Buy a cabin, boat and/or my own island, go on an awesome adventure

5 locations I would like to run away to
Africa, Brazil, Hawaii, PEI, Israel

5 bad habits I have
thinking too much instead of praying, disorganization in my room, eating, picking, making myself too busy

5 things I love doing
being at the beach and swimming
anything outdoors
crafty creative things

5 things I would never wear
High heel shoes
a unitard
a bikini
crazy printed stuff

5 movies I like
Save the last dance
A walk to Remember
How to lose a guy in 10 days
(anything that you can get a spiritual message from and its clean

5 famous people I would love to meet
Mother Theresa (when she was alive)
Mel Gibson
George Clooney
Julia Roberts
Julia Stiles

5 biggest joys at the moment
time to myself
time with friends
time in the sun at the beach or pool
time for reading
time for working out

5 favorite toys
my (our) computer
cd player
running shoes
library card

5 people to tag
the flower lady, CWG and or wife, rachy and James

Monday, August 01, 2005

The icky awful pits

I feel like crum. I always feel guilty when I miss work even if I am really sick and so in some ways I am happy that I feel poopy today and not tomorrow, but at the same time I had plans today and I don't think I can do them while feeling like this. When I get sick like this I get really zoned out. I kinda feel like the stereotypical football player...all you can think is simple sentences or better yet just foot-ball or you think about nothing at all (hence the very profound blog). Yeah, not thinking much of football, not thinking much of anything except owww...owww...oww I hurt. This too will pass and tomorrow will be a new day. Maybe next weekend I can soak up the sun.