Monday, August 01, 2005

The icky awful pits

I feel like crum. I always feel guilty when I miss work even if I am really sick and so in some ways I am happy that I feel poopy today and not tomorrow, but at the same time I had plans today and I don't think I can do them while feeling like this. When I get sick like this I get really zoned out. I kinda feel like the stereotypical football player...all you can think is simple sentences or better yet just foot-ball or you think about nothing at all (hence the very profound blog). Yeah, not thinking much of football, not thinking much of anything except owww...owww...oww I hurt. This too will pass and tomorrow will be a new day. Maybe next weekend I can soak up the sun.


Nin said...

it's always day one that's the killer, day two is on it's way!

Trail Rider said...

wanna suntan this weekend? maybe nin and living can join? we could all be sunbathers.....trying to wrinkle our freshly yound skin? wadda say?

You'll be feeling better by then for sure!

Trail Rider said...

*young skin! sheesh!

Nin said...

aw I'd love to!!!!! but.... Oh yeah! I have a huge wedding I'll be all caught in all weekend, phew, almost forgot ;)
hehe, love to join you tho, have fun if it all pans out.

andrew + camille said...

Hey - you've been "tagged" - see my newest post!!