Saturday, August 06, 2005

Getting to know Me!!

I've been tagged by camilli vanilli

10 years ago today...
~~ I started to go to Hope?!?! (around that long ago)
~~ I didn't have friends but I'm ok with that now
~~ I still lived on our acerage and had lots of animals
~~ probably slept in until 1pm or something like that and then watched tv in an air conditioned house

1 year ago...
~~ I had a boyfriend.
~~ I probably went fishing or did something with Justin
~~ I was making big plans and doing much organizing to go to Hawaii

~~ I worked as usual. We had a slow day and I got off at 4
~~ I went to the gym.
~~ I ate supper and had another Laughing time from God during my supper (my brother didn't know what was wrong with me)
~~ I went shopping with my mom and bro for phones
~~ I got ready to go to the lake for a day at the beach

~~ Have devotions, go to church, help with Sunday School, go to Jonah's welcome home party, do laundry and clean my room, read a book and enjoy my day

5 snacks I enjoy...
fruit, crispy minis, popcorn, nutri-grain or fruit source bars, chocolate

Best impression...
myself. I don't do impressions (atleast I don't think I do)

5 things I would do with $100 000 000
give all or some to charity organizations. Give to Hope Fellowship. Buy a cabin, boat and/or my own island, go on an awesome adventure

5 locations I would like to run away to
Africa, Brazil, Hawaii, PEI, Israel

5 bad habits I have
thinking too much instead of praying, disorganization in my room, eating, picking, making myself too busy

5 things I love doing
being at the beach and swimming
anything outdoors
crafty creative things

5 things I would never wear
High heel shoes
a unitard
a bikini
crazy printed stuff

5 movies I like
Save the last dance
A walk to Remember
How to lose a guy in 10 days
(anything that you can get a spiritual message from and its clean

5 famous people I would love to meet
Mother Theresa (when she was alive)
Mel Gibson
George Clooney
Julia Roberts
Julia Stiles

5 biggest joys at the moment
time to myself
time with friends
time in the sun at the beach or pool
time for reading
time for working out

5 favorite toys
my (our) computer
cd player
running shoes
library card

5 people to tag
the flower lady, CWG and or wife, rachy and James

1 comment:

andrew + camille said...


You are so awesome - this blog made me giggle. I am enjoying getting to know you.

I especially liked the fact that you laughed in the spirit at supper!! that rocks!