Monday, August 22, 2005

my deleted post...but not really

This is part of the letter I sent as an update to all the people from my YWAM trip. I really feel like God deleted my last post on purpose and that He just wanted to keep it for me. I feel that no one would quite "get it" the way that God gave it to me, but this is just as important and some of my post falls into here, just more general.

My plan was to go to University in the fall to move towards getting my Bachelor of Education. I was very iffy as to whether this was where God was leading me. About 2 months ago I felt God tell me that I don't need an Education degree to work with children and that this was not where He was leading me. In a way this was a big relief because I really didn't want to be tied down for 4 years of University. I also felt that it conflicted with my other dreams. This was also kind of frustrating because I was at a point again where I didn't know what I was doing. This has been quite normal as of the last few years. I am learning that I don't need to know what I'm going to do. I just need to live the hear and now and know God is leading me right now where I am.
I can just be
This has been really important to me lately and something that I am continually learning. I can just be...I can just sit in my Daddy's presence and know that He is taking complete care of me and I do not need to worry.
I am considering and still praying about going on a missions trip. I have been thinking a lot about Brazil and also Africa. I believe that God is really speaking to me about Mozambique Africa. These are things I am praying about and I am trying to save money to go away as early as January. God will make His direction for my life clear, of that I am certain.
God is so good and so faithful, I am surrounded by people who constantly show me God's love and how much I am loved by them and God. I am learning and growing daily. Jesus really is my All in All.
An Abundance of God's blessings sent your way cuz He sure has blessed me!


Trail Rider said...

VERY VERY COOL! just be....I love that. God is faithful. He will show you. I think we forget how important it is to obey in the "here and now" so that he can weave our future. You are growing sooo much! Love you!!!

James said...

Hey Chelsea,

First things first, you need to make time to post more blog entries...if for no other reason than for me because I love reading your blog. lol.

I've spent a lot of time dealing with the question of "what does God want me to do?" Does he want me to do this job or that job? Does he want me to completely cut ties with my ex-girlfriend or be a friend to her when she needs it? Does God have a plan for HER and that other guy that somehow left me out? There is no doubt that God intervenes in all our lives, but sometimes as Christians we are bombarded with stories about how "God called me to this..." or "God brought me to him/her.." when the truth is most of us don't know what we are being called to. Oh wait, except for that one thing he tells us over and over in His word...FOLLOW ME! Maybe this is our only calling, maybe for some of us, he doesn't care what profession we choose or who we date or who we marry, so long as we follow him. When we fight too hard for the answers from God, we are in a sense forcing our will upon him...God what do want me to do (in this one area of life that is important TO ME) although it might not be at all important to Him. Like you said, "just be" and feel confident that you are already following his will: following him.