Thursday, August 11, 2005

Maintenance my ****

So, yesterday I got home and started to write a blog. I had actually started a paragraph the night before but that was all that I had time to do. I wrote my blog from 5pm until 7:45 with a break for supper. This wasn't just any blog either that I wrote my thoughts and that was it. This was more of an update and it was something that I was going to email to all my friends from my missions trip to let them know how I was doing. This was also a blog that was asking for you to pray with me for direction. It was a very exciting blog because God revealed something to me. So at 7:45 I finished my post and went to publish it. I thought about copying it, but decided I could just copy it once it was published to send in emails. I pressed Publish post and a screen came up saying "sorry down for scheduled maintenance."

(Just imagine that little girll from the carebears, I think her name is screech, Imagine that kind of screem real high pitched and a hissy fit type of scream.) Well, that was what was going through my head and still is. I am so not impressed. Here all these things were just flowing out of me and I spent so much time and poured my heart into that post and it just got deleted. I am so not impressed, and I am not at all looking forward to doing it again but I have to. You all need to hear the exciting news and I need to share it with the girls from my team. Until then I guess you're in suspense. Pray that God would bring it all back to me again.

So maybe this weekend I'll have time to do it again and I will be excited to do it. Until then I hear that scream going through my head. (Joe can you fix that on my computer??? Hehe)


Trail Rider said...

like your title!
God may have something else for you to write! Must have been in the plan. Wish he woulda told you tho huh?

Trail Rider said...

Okay stop me if you heard this one but I though it was kind of funny in light of your situation.

Satan proposed a challenge to Jesus to see who was the best computer programmer in the universe. Jesus accepted the challenge and God made the rules.

The rules were that each had exactly two hours to create the best presentation they could. The one that wowed God the most would be the winner.

God blew the starting whistle and Jesus and Satan started hacking code like crazy. Satan worked furiously to get all kinds of multimedia content and 3D graphics that would make any programmer jealous. One and a half hours into the competition Satan was pretty much already finished and was sure victory was in his hands.

Then, fifteen minutes to the end of the competition the power went out. Satan screamed and quickly restarted his computer and attempted to recover any bit of his presentation. But it was all gone. He started again but shortly after he started God blew the whistle and the competition was over.

It was Satan's turn first and he showed the measly little presentation he had done in that fifteen minutes that didn't impress anybody. Then it was Jesus's turn and his presentation pulled out every stop with the greatest music and crisp 3D graphics. God was impressed.

But Satan was outraged, " did you do that, you had the same power outage I did, how did you recover that quickly?".

God said "I'll answer that one, Jesus saves!"

Sure hope that wasn't too sacrilegious, wasn't meant to be. Hope you enjoyed the story.

Nin said...

funny, hehe

andrew + camille said...

you are soo cute!
Sorry, I know you're mad at the stupid "maintenance", but I just had to laugh when you mentioned SHRIEKEE(!!) from the CareBears. I also called my sister Shriekee when she was fighting with me and/or annoying me and I wanted to antagonize her.
Mm...nice sister, huh?

James said...

no fair...ive been waitin for this deleted post forever...where you at chelsea?