Sunday, June 12, 2005

And so I have fooled myself

All these years I knew that my name meant ships port, but I thought that a ships port was the same as a lighthouse. So here I have told people that my name means lighthouse, truly thinking that this is what it means. I believe that God has called me to be a lighthouse, and maybe part of the reason was in me calling that into my destiny. So in making this blog I decided to check what ships port means, and it was in this that I discovered the above.

I am blessed to find that my name means ships port, or harbour. God has called me to be a lighthouse, but He has also called me to be a harbour. A harbour is "a place of refuge and comfort and security." Wow, this calls for some digging deeper which I am so looking forward to.
Thank you Jesus!



Lani - the flowerlady said...

Yet another blogger joins the world of bloggerland. Glad to have you here. May your light shine brightly. Here's something to think about. A lighthouse warns ships not to come too close or they will hit rocks. The harbor is the place that they are trying to get to, the place where it IS safe. I think the two go quite nicely together. Both are working at safety issues for those out on the sea!

the flowerlady

Trail Rider said...

Coolness! (is that a word?)
When I think of your friendship, I totally think a safe place and a place I can trust. You are already walking in your destiny!

God bless, my blogger friend

Trail Rider said...

I tag you! Come to my blog to see why