Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Dreaded Room Cleaning

I'm so busy....but I'm not busy at all. How can this be? I think one benefit has been getting rid of the internet at my house for a while so that I can re-focus and re-group on what is really important...and it is definitely not all those stupid video games that you have to line up three of the same things and then they disappear. Unfortunately I get way to addicted to those.

I find myself lately going into my room to clean it. It's such a disorganized mess. I have papers and clean and dirty clothes and bills and just everything laying everywhere...but ask me where something is and I'll probably know exactly where it is. So...I go into my room, take one look around and think (sometimes say out loud) I can't do this. I either leave my room or lay down and read a book. Well this is going to come to a stop. See Saturday is supposed to be really nice outside and I really want to tan. But I am putting my foot down and saying that I can't tan unless if I clean my room AHHHHHH! What have I done! So tonight I am going to tackle the challenge. And what a challenge it is.
Feel free to keep me accountable...I actually ask you of it.
I will no longer be lazy and procrastinate on this issue.


Trail Rider said...

This blogging thing really works good for the accountablity thing! You will do's just a mental thing. If you "whirlwind" you way through the bigger things (laundry, make your bed, take dishes out) then there a bit of fresh air to tackle the rest. HHmMM, sounds like I know what it's like to have a super big gotta do it though cause nin and I are already getting pretty brown! (well nin's brown I'm pink so far...)

Nin said...

LOL (re: tanning thing)
Bless you Chels, I too know what it's like to have a huge mess, and to not know where to start. I find it easy to make piles, then deal with one pile at a time. The first pile should be things that don't belong in your room, then work from there. This system has helped me sooo much.

Trail Rider said...

chels, you should open up your comments for everyone. As of right now, only bloggers can comment. Go into your options and change it there.

CWG said...

LOL Nice user name..."bloggless one"

Trail Rider said...

Who is "blogless one"???

Nin said...

My guess is it's Wanda

Jeffrey said...

Could you please email me yours' and Arianna'addresses to my real address, (do not reply on my blog). I have some insights I would like to share with you two before you attempt to try to teach Sunday School again.

Trail Rider said...

i totally think it's wanda too......'s a mystery in cyberspace. it seems cwg knows who it is........

Anonymous said...

If you do a little research on peoples blogs in the recent weeks you will get a huge clue on the "bloggless one"!!!!

Trail Rider said...

give me another hint so that i don't have to spend forever looking through everyone's blogs....

Anonymous said...

your answer is here

Trail Rider said...

Totally missed that one!!! I was there for all the comments. But I am blonde.....Now blogless one has to start writting!!!!

We await your wisdom oh blogless one ;)