Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Klondike Man

I'm not sure you could call him much of a man.

Trying to look up a word to describe him was very hard. The word that came to mind was "scum." But it means worthless, he still is made by God even though the enemy has a hold of him and is using him to belittle and use and abuse other Children of the King. Other words that came to mind were despicable, vile, but mainly just the scum of the earth. None of them are quite right or bring justice to the way I felt Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.
Some say, "Oh, they got themselves into it, it's all they are used to." Maybe they did make the first move in that direction. Sure it probably was a choice, but one that was most definitely made while on drugs or needing another fix. Some probably got pulled into it by peer pressure or an older male. It starts small and works its way up.

Knowing people who have been/are addicted to crystal meth definitely brings light into this situation for me. I know of someone who was addicted to meth. This stuff has such a hold on people. Needing a fix desperately she went to her neighbor who she barely knew and did the deed so he would give her drugs. She went home feeling horrible until she had her fix...then it all went away. But not really. This drug makes a person so greedy and selfish, all they want is more and they are willing to sell their body if it means they will get more. She slept with many men so she could get her drugs and wash her world away...and then she got pregnant. She didn't know who the dad was and felt absolutely horrible. She felt used and abused. Such a pretty girl but absolutely no confidence in herself because of these low-lifes who will actually be so perverted to sleep with a girl in exchange for drugs or money.

...And so she had an abortion, and felt even more terrible for the decision she had made. How can I raise a child when I don't know who the father is? I can't have another child now I'm too messed up. I can't give these drugs up, it's selfish, but I just can't. She drank until she was plastered the night before she had the abortion.

Wednesday night I was driving home from a party. Not that kind of party, but a birthday party. I was at the very west end of 20th street driving towards the Idylwyld Bridge in the right hand lane. I had a wonderful evening but it was 11:30 and I was tired and I knew that I would be wiped in the morning. I was full of joy and peace and just enjoying the drive home. Around St. Pauls Hospital I noticed the SUV in front of me had a licence plate other than Saskatchewan. All I could make out at first was the writing at the top saying "The Klondike." I had no clue where that would be from. A couple of blocks later this SUV started slowing down at every intersection. I was tired and wanting to get home and this was getting rather annoying. He would slow down to 30 at the intersection, just get up to 50 and slow down for the next intersection. I was very tempted to slam on my horn. I was thinking, Can't you tell that this is a main drag. These intersections are controlled you don't need to slow down. We were now a couple of blocks from Avenue H. I noticed two girls on the corner, one was helping the other re-tie or do up her halter top. I still belive that it had maybe just come undone or broke and she needed help. It was then that I noticed the male in the SUV turn and look at the girls and slow down. He had a ball cap on and I could see wherever he was looking.

A few minutes later it dawned on me as I noticed the man looking around more and more and still slowing at every intersection and looking around that he wasn't lost and he was well aware that these intersections were controlled. I also noticed that his licence plate was from the Yukon.

The SUV got to Avenue B and he turned right. I was fuming by this point and decided to turn aswell to see where he was going. He got to the intersection of 19th and was in the left hand lane. 19th and B is not a through street and so I knew if he went straight he would get stuck and I would know for sure what he was up to. but as I pulled up behing him he put his right signal light on and proceeded to turn and go up 19th (the direction he had just come from on 20th.) I knew there was no use in following him but I so badly wanted to drive up next to him, open my window and yell, JUST GO HOME!!!!!!! I drove home praying that he wouldn't be able to find anyone to use.

I didn't realize until the next morning when I was thinking about this and telling my co-worker that I had my dad's car which has a car phone in it and I could have phoned the police. Oh what pleasure would i have got out of that, although they maybe wouldn't have caught him.

Jesus, freer of all addictions I pray that you would touch all people that are bound so strongly by addictions that are not from you. Father, I pray for endless worth to be poured on these ladies and girls and that they would know that they are a Child of the Most High God and they are loved so dearly. Father I pray that men would take their rightful place as protectors and not predators of women. Jesus bring this world back into the way you intended it. Forgive us for making such a mess of things. Jesus give me even more of your heart for this land and these people, your people. It's not over until it's over, I will keep fighting until you say stop!


James said...

sadly, if there is a messaging program, i probably have it. for msn, my name or whatever is, which is my e-mail as well

Nin said...

wow chels, bless you. May God give you that burning heart that you desire, for these lost souls, looking for love in all the wrong places. May we smarten up and keep praying, pray without ceasing for our communities, for our city. thank you for your heart, may it be one that spreads to many