Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Life is busy.

Life is busy lately. Busy isn't always good, in fact although I enjoy every day and everything I get to do when it all adds up I'm just way too busy. I intend to do something about that shortly, like keeping a day planner and having some evenings to read and do nothing and spend more time with God than usual. So until then I feel I don't really have time to even write posts. I don't know how all you bloggers do it, except that maybe you are at home the majority of the time whereas I am not. Anyways, talk to you all as soon as I get something amazing and have time to write it.


Trail Rider said...

Be at peace. There are seasons. Don't think that you "are missing things" in the blog world. What God is doing through the blog world and through our family at Hope will always include you. I just thought I should mention that. We all have our seasons and yours right now is to be busy with God has given you. Be Blessed and content in all circumstances! Love you lots!

Nin said...
